Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Joys of Airports

Waiting in an airport terminal is never a fun thing- especially when the wait is nearly as long as the flight itself (the wait being 10 hours and the flight being 14.) There were a couple things that entertained me however during my wait.

The first thing was that I witnessed the most blatant "checking out of self in public" I have ever seen. And not checking out as in "how do I look in these pants" kind of way, but in a "I'm sexy and I know it" kind of way.
One of my many hang out locations was located near a door where various employees would frequently go in and out of as it led to some sort of magical place I'm convinced. Right by this door was a large window where one could view the coming and going of planes (just oh so nice). At one point I looked up as a small entourage of uniformed individuals walked towards this door and among them was one young man who strutted along (and I mean strut like he is God's gift to women everywhere), all the while quite obviously watching his reflection (as it was now dark outside), even lightly tussling his hair as he neared the reflection. Now, I must mention that he did look like a cross between Ryan Gosling and David Beckman. And I'm not even exaggerating. So basically what I'm saying is he probably is God's gift to women everywhere and has an total right to be checking himself out and strutting.
But he's probably got a terrible personality.
Did I mention his suit fit him absolutely perfectly? 'Cuase it did.

Have you seen that commercial for a certain online flight booking website (like expedia) where the guy is in a shop in some Asian country where he holds up a bag of white powder and asks the store owner what it is. After the man informs him that it is rice flour, he promptly asks for a few kilos of it to be placed directly into his briefcase. This all occurs just after he turns to his friend and states that he "just doesn't think while he travels." I tell this story because within my luggage I had stuffed various ziploc bags full of various herbs into my luggage. (So I wouldn't have to buy stuff in the Solmon's okay?! Don't judge!) So needless to say I was a little nervous as I went through various securities. Particularly the ones that had the sniffer dogs.

So that was pretty much the only interesting things that happened to me in the 26 odd hours of traveling. GTs GTs.

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