Today I had the day
(We get 2 days off every week; usually one full day and two half days)

My primary objective
of the day
(which was to eat some meat) was fulfilled shortly after noon
the consumption of a bacon and cheese burger, so my meat tooth has been
satisfied at least for a bit. I must admit I didn't even touch the side salad
on my plate. I'm not even ashamed of that.) and therefore left a good chunk of the
afternoon to explore a bit more of the Isle of Mull.
Walking along the
road (yes, I walked the 5ish km from Camas trail head to Bunessan- that is of course NOT including
the 2ish km walk from the main road to Camas itself. I have to admit that I did get a
lift from a lovely old man who coincidentally was named Robin on the way TO
Bunessan. I did have to walk the FULL 7km BACK to Camas though.) I couldn't
help but feel that it was very "PS I Love You" esque with narrow
roads and stone walls set within the beautiful backdrop of the rocky hills.
(And yes, I am fully aware that PS I Love You is set in Ireland and NOT
Scotland, but you've got to admit there are some similarities there.)I must confess that I was secretly wishing for a Gerard Butler-esque man to come along
and sweep me off my feet. Alas, though such a thing was not to take place.

My walk was
accompanied by the soothing melodies of Alexi Murdoch and Dan Mangan; along
with the inspirational words of Natasha Bedingfield's "Unwritten" and
Carly Rae Jepsen's "Call Me Maybe"
(which was totally going to be my
pickup line for Mr. Gerard Butler-esque man should he have had made an
appearance); and topped off with the epic
soundtracks of Braveheart
(suitable for obvious reasons) and the Lord of
the Rings.
(suitable because, for starters, it's extremely inspiring on any
occasion, but even more incredibly so when one is walking about
middle-earth-esque scenery, which was most defiantly the case in my situation.
Fun fact: the reason the Scotland/the UK looks so much like middle earth would,
is because Tolkien actually meant for middle earth to be a very ancient form of
what we now know as the UK. Please don't ask why I know that, because then I
will have to admit that I have watched all ten thousand hours of extras on the
special extended cut DVDs of the Lord of the Rings trilogy and I must say that
even though I am slightly proud of that fact, I am also slightly ashamed of it

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