Monday, 14 May 2012


After about 28 hours and nearly every possible mode of transportation (and I'm not even exaggerating; car, plane, bus, train, ferry, walking- the only things missing really is a bike and maybe a segway if your into that sort of thing.) I arrived at Camas, my home for the next four months. I was given a petty clear set of directions to get me here, which modes of transportation to take at which times etc. etc. The last set of directions  were a tad confusing however as they literally read "1/2 walk to Camas."

View of Camas from above
A 1/2 WHAT walk?!

I mean that can be interpreted as a number of different things that can change things significantly, it could mean a 1/2 hour walk, a 1/2 minute walk, a 1/2 day walk. I had visions of myself resembling a scene in a movie like the holiday or leap year where you get the high maintenance chick in heals getting dropped off in the middle of nowhere (mind you a middle of nowhere with a freakin' gorgeous view) in a storm and watching them struggle to force their excess luggage through the beautiful landscape (although I defiantly wasn't wearing heals and wouldn't consider myself "high maintenance, but you get the picture). Thankfully, it didn't QUITE happen that way.

I DID get dropped off in the middle of nowhere, and one with a freakin' gorgeous view. And it WAS raining pretty good. (it tends to do that around here). And I WAS wearing slightly unsuitable clothing for the situation (not heals though- don't worry). And it WAS a 1/2 hour walk up the track.   

So it was kinda close (…but not really.)

Anyways, It's been good so far. I missed the first week of staff training (the boring bits about saftey and protection and first aid though) and I got to dive straight into getting familiar with the activities we will be running. Thus, I've been spending my first few days here sailing, kayaking, abseiling, rock climbing and hiking. (And yes, I've been doing ALL those things in the past FOUR days. I've been a bit busy.)

So ya, it's ok here. 

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