I freeking LOVE
Now, I've been
hesitant in the past to admit that I'm a fan of these ocean dwelling beauties because thanks to silly, blond,
idiotic girls who decided to get dolphins jumping over
rainbows tattoos and declare that they are "just like so
cute" dolphins unfortunately got a bit of a bad rep as being a tad lame. (At
least in my mind. I think that my opinion on this subject may have been
slightly influenced on my childhood collection of neon-rainbow Lisa Frank
paraphernalia as well. Yes that's right- I just referenced Lisa Frank.If you never experienced/collected Lisa Frank as a
little girl I'm sorry for your loss on missing out on a major life stage.) But
anyways, I need to say that I'm getting over this stereotype (Don't you
DARE say that I fit the stereotype. Because I would be like so mad at you and
you could like totally talk to the hand.) and am ready to declare that I
love dolphins.
Lisa Frank dolphins...Oh Lisa Frank. |
I think I've always
had a bit of a soft spot for these marine marvels, but my love for them
really began after I had the privilege of swimming with the dusky dolphins
while I was in New Zealand. (Kaikoura to be
exact) Gosh one of the greatest moments ever- I mean they looked into my
eyes and it was like they were looking into my soul!! (I could go on about this for awhile- but I'll spare you. You're
A fun fact I enjoy
telling anybody and everyone who gets me started on the subject is that
dolphins can sense vulnerability. That is, when a person with disabilities or a
pregnant woman is in the water, dolphins begin to swim closer seemingly to
protect the individual. HOW COOL IS THAT?! (I
have a few other facts about dolphins to share- but again, I'll spare you.
Especially cause one of the facts is not so fun as disturbing and the other one
is just a little grim.)
So needless to say
when we had a few dolphins swimming in
the Camas bay I was pretty happy. And then when I got to take a kayak out to
sea to see them I was pretty excited. And then when they came within a few feet
of my boat I just couldn't keep the grin off my face.
It was a good day. A freeking good day.